Artist: Matt Nathanson
Venue: Mercury Ballroom, Louisville, KY
Date: 07/26/2014
a current picture! This was from last night's M&G (btw, I was much
happier than I look in that picture. That must be my "crapping my pants and
trying not to say anything too dumb" face.) |
Set List: (I know this is dismally out of order, but I think I remembered most of them. Please feel free to correct me)
Kill the Lights
Car Crash
Mission Bells
Kinks Shirt
Annie's Always Waiting (For the Next One to Leave) (!!)
Last Days of Summer in San Francisco
Romeo & Juliet {Dire Straits}
Detroit Waves
Room @ the End of the World
American Girl {Tom Petty}
I Saw
Come on Get Higher
As you've probably gathered already, we got to start this concert
season with Matt Nathanson, Aaron Tap & Co. again this year. Every
time we see them, they find some new and different way to blow my mind,
and this time did not disappoint. But hang on, I'll get to that.
The evening had two openers, the first was
Matt Mackelcan.
He did a short but sweet set that I felt was very well received by the
audience. He's an unassuming performer and seemed very appreciative of
people being there and listening, which is always nice to see. During
his set, he brought Aaron Tap out on stage for a couple songs (which I'm
sure didn't hurt his credibility with this crowd). Aaron produced his
previous release
Slow Down and is working with him on his upcoming
From Where I Stand as well. If you're not familiar with him, you should totally get that way.
Next up was
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness.
You probably know Andrew from Jack's Mannequin and/or Something
Corporate. I know I will ostracize myself by admitting that I'm only
marginally familiar with his previous bands, but it's a fact. What I do
know is that he's a very impressive performer. He's like an endless
supply of energy and enthusiasm, which is awesome. He did everything
from singing standing on his piano to jumping on the keys to play it
with his feet. Nuts. I thoroughly enjoyed his set and he was very
popular with the audience. One of the girls I was with got to meet him
after the show and she was fan girling like crazy, which is always fun.
I love it when people are excited to meet the artists they adore and
aren't afraid to express that excitement. Also, I have to mention that
after his set, we witnessed an amazing feat of packing abilities. The
road guys literally turned his entire piano up on its side and put it in
a box. And our movers couldn't even manage a treadmill without
damaging the drywall. What the hell?
Anyway, moving on. It was finally time for our headliner to take the stage.
Just as it was last time we saw them, the line up was Matt Nathanson
(well, obviously), Aaron Tap, Shiben Bhattacharya,and Chris Lovejoy (you
know, the drummer from Lexington, KY...Detroit...Lansing...the dude
gets around). This particular combination of artists seems to be the perfect mix. They opened with the carnal delight Kill the Lights off
Last of the Great Pretenders
and we knew right away that we were in for rock show tonight. There
was not going to be any pussyfooting around, they got right down to
business. It was after that song that I noticed that Matt brought
backdrops this time, with pictures and whatnot projected on them as he
played. I thought, "Holy shit, they have really brought us a full-on
rock show, with all the bells and whistles, right into this small,
intimate venue. The best of both worlds!" I had no idea at the time
how accurate that thought would turn out to be.
The show
turned out to be by far the most rock and roll show I've seen Matt and
the guys play. They played a bunch of fast, ass-shaking music like
Annie's Always Waiting (For the Next One to Leave) [my personal
favorite...which is why they played it, right??], Detroit Waves, Kinks
Shirt and his newest song Headphones. The latter was absolutely amazing
live. Even better than I'd hoped! And of course there was the ever
popular clap-along-song Faster. I always feel a little creepy during
that song because I have to stare at Aaron Tap so intently to accurately
follow along with the clapping. Heh - I have abysmal rhythm, but I
managed to do okay last night. Amongst all of these songs, we did get
to see Aaron play the ever loving shit out of his guitar, which was (of
course) my favorite thing. To the delight of everyone, they also
covered Tom Petty's American Girl. As we all know, Tom Petty is
untouchable, but they rocked that fucking song. Andrew McMahon joined
them on stage for it and those few minutes of music absolutely melted
our faces. Amazing.
Earlier in the evening, Andrew
came back out on stage to give some piano support for the not frequently
played Last Days of Summer in San Francisco. Matt wasn't quite as
chatty as the last time we saw him, but we did get some back story on several songs and this particular one was heartbreaking. While most all of his songs are real and honest, it's not that often that we get a glimpse of the current
internal state of the artists we're watching. We got that last night
and as they played that song, it was all over their faces and it was a
touching and beautiful gift they gave us. He also played his cover of
Dire Straits' Romeo and Juliet, which we all know from
At the Point. It's such a great song and Matt totally does it justice. He dipped back in the catalogue and
played us some acoustic classics from past records such as Still, Angel
and Suspended. Even amongst all the powerful rock they were playing
last night, these songs are still able to instantly create an entirely
different atmosphere. The room becomes quiet, transcendent and wonderful.
He closed with what he calls "the hit", Come on Get Higher. Sure, it's a
crowd favorite and it's a beautiful song, to be sure, but I think All
We Are casts a more magical spell. It's cool though, both are
incredible songs that leave a calm, peaceful feeling in your soul as he
sends you back out into the world.
Once again,
for nearly two hours, everything outside that room ceased to exist. It
becomes just you, the artists on stage and the feel of the drum in your
chest. Everything else drops away and becomes completely
insignificant. All in all, the night was a great illustration of Matt's
ever-expanding range as a performer. I would be remiss if I neglected
to mention that I finally got to meet Matt for the first time last night
(as evidenced by the above picture). How cool is it that he still did a
meet and greet even though they then had to drive 12 hours to Virginia
to play again tonight? He was every bit as friendly and gracious as
everyone had told me he is, in spite of the fact that I was all shaky
and nervous and weird(er than usual). So that was kind of beyond
Next up for us are Amanda Shires Isbell,
The Black Keys and Carbon Leaf. I'm hoping for a Dr. Dog show in the
near future, but that's not in the cards just yet. Matt mentioned a
potential fall album release too, so I'm super excited at the prospect
of another show in the fall!! :)