Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good Lyrics Are Essential

You know how I'm always saying that so-and-so's* lyric's are perfect?  They aren't awkward or weird or forced, they just flow naturally?  Well, I have found of a perfect example of lyrics that are the exact opposite of that, just so you'll know what I mean.

Have you heard this relatively new Dawes song, 'Time Spent in Los Angeles'?  Personally, I don't like it, it's too whiny and sounds out of tune to me.  But, my biggest problem is this one line in the song.  This one awkward, weird, wrong line.  The rest of the song could be the greatest thing ever and I would still cringe when I hear it.

So what he sings is: "I always thought someone would love me, for the places I have been, and the dirt, that I've been gathering, deep beneath my nails."

ARGH!!!!  It just makes me uncomfortable to hear it.  My ears don't expect it, it just doesn't go.  And not in that good unexpected kind of way either.

What I want him to sing is: "I always thought someone would love me, for the places I have been, and the dirt, that I've been gathering, underneath my skin." 

Isn't that just better??

Also, another one that kills me (in a bad way) is 'Love and Understanding' by Cher.  She says, over and over, "The one thing there's just not enough of is love and understanding."  THAT'S TWO THINGS!!!!

I really like that song, but I literally deleted it off my iPod and out of iTunes all together because of that line.

*of course you know I mean Matt Nathanson, but I promised not to talk about him anymore (for a while) so I'm not going to

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